Wednesday, May 25, 2011


    I. Cannot. Stand it. Two weeks to go and I am losing it. I am too excited to think straight. Not to mention, with Scotty winning and New Directions losing my TV distractions are gone. To combat my pre-trip psychosis I will enlighten you all on some of the details of where our group will be travelling and what we will be up to. Here is the itenerary as far as I know about:
    Tuesday, June 7: 2 Wayland vans will leave the Lubbock/Plainview area for Dallas. Students from several other campuses will be joining us the following day at the airport. Wayland fun fact: there are campuses in Amarillo, Lubbock, San Antonio, and Wichita Falls, Texas; Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska: Sierra Vista and Phoenix, Arizona; Aiea, Hawaii; Albuquerque and Clovis, New Mexico; Altus, Oklahoma; and Kenya, Africa. Yay Pioneers!
     Wednesday: Listen for a bell 'cuz I'm gettin' wings! First flight ever from Dallas to New York City. That will be a test run for the whopper 12 hour flight to London.
     Thursday (I think? Israel is 8 hours ahead of us): Arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel. This is exhausting already! Wikipedia tells me that it will be about 75 degrees. Lovely if you ignore the 70%  humidity, ouch!
     Friday: Walking tour of Tel Aviv. Visiting Knight's Hall, the Baha'i Shrine, Haifa Port, and Elijah's Cave. I'm sure I could make up some exciting descriptions of these places, but Junior Asparagus taught me the importance of not telling fibs. Do any of you know what these are?
     Saturday: Hangin' in Jesus's hood with an excursion to Nazareth. Church of the Annunciation, Mary's Well, Mount of Beatitudes. Clueless about these as well, but I can tell you that Annunciation is a bearded person's way of saying "MTV called, Mary's 16 and Pregnant."
      Saturday: My favorite. We'll be in the Jordan Valley. We will see the Dead Sea Scroll caves, float in the dead sea, and spend the night in a bedouin camp. Check it. What's a bedouin? Desert shepherds. Aside from sheep, they know all about cute little donkeys and another great creature. What starts with a C and ends with an amel??? I suddenly feel the need to sing a little Arabian niiiiiiiiights and Arabian daaaaaaaaaaayyysss!!
       Ahem..Sunday..right. On Sunday, We head to Jerusalem. Trading in my pew for the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane.
       Monday: Bethlehem! Hopefully Dad will skip over this sentence, but I'm pretty interested by what I heard about Bethlehem. We'll take an armored bus! Livin' on the edge. But not very edgy, Dad. Actually, we'll be riding on a cotton candy cloud pulled by unicorns. Yup. Then some free time back in Jerusalem.
       Tuesday: Walking tour of the Old City of Jerusalem. I'm very interested in what kinds of people we will see. I'm also curious about whether my fellow female travellers and I will be excluded from certain sites. I'll let ya know.
       Wednesday: Round 2 of airports, snacks, flights, naps, snacks, flights, airports, snacks, naps...well, you get it.  Recover from jet lag (I hear that takes a day for every hour you skipped, wowzer). Upload pictures. Try not to die of awesome.

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