Last night about 11:00, we landed in the best state on earth. I am so glad to be almost home. I appreciate more than ever the friendly attitudes of Texans. In Israel, people push and shout and ignore when you say thank you. In London, there was no ice cream in the entire airport (no wonder British people are so grouchy).
By this time we are all loopy. If you go off of Israel time, we arived at 7:00 in the morning after waking up at 2:00 the day before. Some of the words I am typing I have had to try 3 or 4 times. Israel was a great adventure. I can't wait to tell you about the Holocaust Museum, the Dome of the Rock, the Garden of Gethsemane and so much more. Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the energy just yet.
This morning I had a Texas shaped waffle. I usually don't even like waffles, but it was pretty heavenly today. I'd better go, we are getting ready to move out. Don't worry, I'll update your face off at least by next week.
Oh, and Jacob I had to go through this horrible Israeli search of my bag because of your sand. I hope you're happy.
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