Saturday, June 11, 2011

16 Noteble Notes for Your Notice

1. Every toilet I've seen since London has a flush button on top.

2. Staying within traffic lines is not important in Israel. Honking is.

3. There is a great deal of peaceful coexistence between Jews and Palestinians that he news never tells you about.

4. Watermelon is in season.

5. Zach was right, taxis are not my favorite.

6. We went to the beach yesterday. Not what I pictured Israel to be like.

6b. Clearly, babies can roam the beach blissfully naked without shame.

7. Israelies never sweat. This is hardly scientific, but about the time that we Americans are fogging up our own glasses, our guide is completely dry.

8. Ice cream trucks are slightly less creepy here. This makes up for the language barrier ordering system. He holds something up, you say sure and overpay with a smile.

9. Writing this list is more fun than my journal prompts for class.

10. I might potentially be avoiding those prompts.

11. Graffiti is everywhere. Everywhere.

12. Most of the water is heated using solar power. Has been since the 50s.

13. Whole animals hang around in the butchers' shops. How do you feel about your shopping looking back at you?

14. Israeli boys. Noteable.

15. The Coastal Region is nothing like the desert I pictured. There are fruit trees of every kind and flowers almost everywhere in beautiful bright pink, orange, purple, white, and yellow.

16. Everything goes up. If I never see another stair again...


  1. Thank goodness that babies are the only nudies on the beach. You never know what you might find "across the pond." :) Enjoying your commentary!

  2. Hahaha that's true! But, I was shocked at how immodest the beach was, when people walk around covering their heads.

  3. Just caught up with your blogging, reading from the latest to the earliest. Loving every minute of the reading. Can't wait to see all your pictures and hear more detail. Take it all in, Girlie!
